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Do you have a story to tell (hint: yes, you definitely do)

The Bridge is based on the idea that every womxn has a story worth telling. Whether you are an experienced writer or a newbie, we are here to help you find your story to tell. If you have an idea of what you'd like to write about, send us a pitch through the "Email" button below! If you'd like some help with finding your story, there is a questionnaire below designed to give you some ideas. We also have opportunities for artists!

Who we are looking for:


You don't need to be a writer to tell your story. If you have a hot take or an experience to share we want to hear from you! We feature the stories of about 20 women in each issue. Our current publication cycle is fall (September) and spring (March). Our submissions are always open, so drop us a line!


We are always looking for womxn and non-binary femme artists to partner with. If you'd like to be considered for the next issue, send us an email! Our submissions are always open. 


If you have an interesting job that gives you special insight into a specific topic, or have first hand knowledge of something specific, send us a message through the "Email" button below! Give us an idea of where your knowledge or skill set lies. There are interview opportunities for each magazine.

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